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키르기스스탄 도로 사업 (PPP) Pipeline 공유

ODA 계획 수립, 사업기획 및 발굴 등 체계적인 관리를 통한 국토교통 ODA사업 활성화 지원
제목 키르기스스탄 도로 사업 (PPP) Pipeline 공유
작성자 관리자 등록일 21/10/22 14:25 조회 1,303회

키르기스스탄 투자부 (현, 외교무역투자부) 에서 공유한 사업 리스트 일부를 공유 하오니 참고하시기 바랍니다.

문의사항 : 해외건설협회 국제개발협력센터 정예찬 연구원 (02-3406-1078)

1. Project Title

Construction of the Bypass Road in Uzgen

2. Description of the project

The project provides for the construction of a road to bypass the city of Uzgen with a length of 5.3 to 13 km (depending on the proposed options) of the 3rd category (2 traffic lanes with a carriage width of 7 m). This road will be an alternative to the base of the Bishkek-Osh road, which passes through the center of Uzgen (marked with a black line on the map). The project specification includes construction, maintenance, collection of money for the use of the road.

In accordance with the proposals prepared by the Kyrgyzdorproekt design institute, there are 4 preliminary options for the construction of a bypass road. The regional transport corridor Bishkek-Osh with an average daily traffic of about 11.5 thousand units passes along the densely populated central street of Uzgen. The passage of one of the main road arteries of the country through the central street of Uzgen, against the background of the active social and economic life of the city, creates obstacles to the throughout of this section, increasing the level of traffic hazard, leading to delays, affecting road safety and the general population, creating additional noise and sounds load and environmental pollution.

3. General information

Industry - Road

Public partner - Ministry of Transport, Architecture, Construction and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic

Location - Uzgen district, Osh region

Length - (Option 1) 12.3 km, (Option 2) 11.3 km, (Option 3) 5.3 km, (Option 4) 6 km

Project Cost - 15.8 mil. USD

Form of cooperation - PPP

Form of cooperation - DBFOT

Project duration - 25 years

Road Maintenance 5,000 USD per year
Average daily traffic (ADT) 5,787 vehicles (4,641 cars and 1,146 trucks)
ADT growth rate 5% per year
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목록 답변